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How to Bring Spooky Fun to Everyone with the Teal Pumpkin Halloween Project

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 11:10 pm

While many children can look forward to a sack full of sweet treats this Halloween, some kids have food allergies that prevent them from enjoying many popular brands of candy. While dentists have their concerns about the amount of sugar consumed during the Halloween season, it’s also important to make this spooky holiday fun and accessible for all the kids in the neighborhood. Here’s a brief guide to how the Teal Pumpkin Project is helping children with food allergies enjoy trick-or-treating and how you can help.


Don’t Let This Breastfeeding Myth Prevent You from Successfully Nursing

September 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 10:22 pm
A mother and newborn baby.

Breastfeeding your child is one of the best ways to ensure that they grow up healthy and strong.  But sometimes, nursing doesn’t come as easily as you’d hoped, and it can be extremely frustrating for both the parent and child. Well-meaning friends and practitioners may try to help by offering advice, however in some cases that can actually make matters worse. If you’re struggling to nurse comfortably, don’t give up. Here’s one big myth you may have heard, and what you can do to overcome it.


A Custom Mouthguard: The Must-Have Item for School Sports

August 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 9:48 pm
Child wearing a custom mouthguard

As the new school year approaches, you’re probably busy checking off school supply lists, organizing new wardrobes, and prepping your kids for class. But amidst all the back-to-school hustle, there’s one essential item that often gets overlooked: a mouthguard. If your child is gearing up for sports or other physical activities, a custom mouthguard should be at the top of your list. Read on to see why.


Back to School Basics: 4 Easy Ways to Teach Oral Health to Kids

July 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 2:26 pm
mom reading a book to her child

It may be hard to believe, but in a few short weeks, it’ll be time to start school again for the kiddos. Whether you homeschool or work with a teacher to instruct your child, their education is important to you. As you prepare for them to learn reading, writing, math, and science, keep in mind one subject they need to understand for a lifetime of smiles: taking care of their dental health.

Here are some ways you can teach your child about why they should maintain their teeth and gums and about how the dentist can help them.


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: When Babies Develop Cavities

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 12:24 am
Baby bottle and pacifier sitting on counter

Did you know that babies can develop cavities?

“But don’t cavities come from eating too much sugar?”

Yes, exactly! Your child might be more exposed to excessive doses of sugar than you think. They can even start to have problems before they have access to classic examples like chocolate and certain cereals. Don’t worry though. There are simple tips that can help you prevent this from happening. Keep reading to learn how to keep your little one safe from tooth decay.


Can My Child Safely Use a Teething Ring?

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 8:25 pm
parent smiling and holding baby using a teething ring

During their first year of life, children undergo teething as their first set of teeth begins to emerge from their gums. Although this is a natural process, it can often be uncomfortable for infants, leading to difficulty in coping with the associated discomfort. However, did you know that using a teething ring can provide a safe and effective way to relieve this discomfort? Continue reading to learn how pediatric these specialized teething toys may help your little one.


How Do Lip Ties Impact Toddlers?

April 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 5:57 pm
a closeup of a toddler smiling

As parents, it’s important to be mindful of everything that can affect the health of our children – however, sometimes issues that seem innocent, small, or remain hidden end up being quite problematic! Lip ties, though often overlooked, can have a pretty significant impact on a toddler’s development and overall well-being. Here’s a closer look at what exactly this issue is, along with its potential impact and possible avenues of treatment.


Fortifying with Fluoride: Is It Safe for Children?

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 3:39 pm
Notebook with "Fluoride F" on a table with chemistry vials

When you’re the guardian of a child, you’re responsible for their mental, emotional, and physical development which includes their teeth. As such, you probably already know there are some dental pitfalls you need to watch out for that could lead to cavities, like consuming too many sugary snacks or fruit juices.

Fortunately, you can also prevent problems using fluoride which can strengthen their enamel to reduce the risk of cavities. This naturally occurring mineral is often introduced into public water sources for this purpose, but is it truly safe for consumption? If you’re concerned that your little one has been overly exposed or whether it can harm them, keep reading to learn why you can set your mind at ease!


Reasons to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 12:55 pm
child at dentist smiling

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, sponsored by the American Dental Association to raise awareness about children’s oral health. Baby teeth, though temporary, play a crucial role in your child’s development. Surprisingly, over 50% of children will have at least one cavity, a rate higher than childhood asthma. Yet, tooth decay is mostly preventable. Start your child’s oral hygiene routine early to protect their smile.


How to Welcome Your Child’s Two-Year Molars Without Losing Your Mind

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 8:40 pm
Baby smiles

Your child getting their baby teeth is a wonderful thing, but the process isn’t always pleasant. The two-year molars, also known as the second molars, are the last of the primary teeth to emerge and they can cause the child distress as they come in. In fact, the two-year molars receive much of the blame for the so-called “terrible twos.” Here’s how to tell if your child’s two-year molars are erupting, a few tips to help manage their pain, and how to know if your child needs help from a dental professional.

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